You care about neurodivergents. Me too. I would rather fill churches with neurodivergents than cemeteries with people who felt like they had no hope.

The Neurodivergent Christian: A Guide to Life, begins an urgent conversation by inviting neurodivergents out of isolation and into Christian community as God made us - uniquely and intentionally neurodivergent. I introduce critical life and faith conversations from a neurodivergent perspective - all within a biblical worldview. “Neurodivergent” is not a label, it is recognition. What are harmful labels are “mentally ill”, “demon-possessed”, and “weird” - these labels send these missing parts of the Body of Christ into hiding instead of nurturing transparency, growth, and spiritual gifts. An invitation to show up to God’s house with a genuine spirit and no pretenses - within loving Christian community - opens doors for God’s strength to work through everyone’s weaknesses and unique gifts. This manuscript sends a strong message of hope to a forgotten people and offers wisdom and insight to the Church who wishes to love them well. ©

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