Getting this book into the world is urgent.
After all, I’m the one receiving mail about how the message of this book speaks to the lonely corners of so many hearts and brings just a taste of emotional relief. It is because this book helps so many to feel seen by their church family for the first time. On a whim, I boosted a Facebook post of just one paragraph from the book description. I went to bed while the post was pending approval from Facebook and woke up to 136 reactions and 31 shares. Before the 24 hour mark hit, reactions exceeded 760 with 72 shares. My notifications continue to light up and there are still three days left of the boost.
The work has only begun. We need to hit our email subscriber goal to prove to the Christian publishing industry the urgent need for this book and conversation. This is our calling: to seek the lost and invite them into relationship with our Creator in a spirit of joy, conviction, and unity. I am blown away to be a part of this.
Thanks to you, we have reached 138 email subscribers. If we double our numbers every week we will exceed the 10,000 email subscribers goal in NINE WEEKS. Nine weeks?! (
Each week I suggest someone for us to reach out to.
*This week's recommendation: Facebook or online groups you are a member of*
Last week’s recommendation: pastors you know
i can’t quite tell you how urgent.
Right now, I am looking for holes in my networking. I think that fear is holding me back from posting more videos and content from the message of this book. So, I am going to lean into that discomfort and share more resources. If you feel led, please share the content. Based on my experience, I guarantee there is someone out there who needs it and you are their only connection to it.
The Neurodivergent Christian Facebook group is LIVE and growing. The purpose of this group is "Building neurodivergent Christian community". We’re already having fun. Screening questions and group rules are in place - all designed to protect members and honor God. Join here and be sure to invite friends once you’re in. Link to share is: The Neurodivergent Christian | Facebook
See you in one week, on the 30th!
Your neurodivergent Christian sister,
Amanda Hebert Hughes
Autistic. Artist. Author. Advocate.
“…this happened so that the power of God could be seen.” John 9:3
Goal: 10,000+ email subscribers