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The Neurodivergent Christian

Facebook group is live.

The purpose of this group is "Building neurodivergent Christian community". Screening questions and group rules are in place - all designed to protect members and honor God. Join here and be sure to invite friends once you’re in. Link to share is: The Neurodivergent Christian | Facebook

Thanks to you, we have reached 108 email subscribers. That is more than double the number of subscribers that organically signed up before last week. If we double our numbers every week we will exceed 10,000 email subscribers in NINE WEEKS. Are you game? I think we should go for it. Nine weeks?! (

Each week I'll suggest someone for us to reach out to.

*This week's recommendation: pastors you know*

You’ve earned it - here is a sneak peek at the next goal.

Your neurodivergent Christian sister,

Amanda Hebert Hughes

Autistic. Artist. Author. Advocate.

“…this happened so that the power of God could be seen.” John 9:3